Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Seeking Revival

The Bible tells us in Acts about a prayer meeting in the early church: "And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness." Acts 4:31 (ESV) I long to experience the movement of the Holy Spirit just as the early church did. And this past Sunday, our church experienced the power of the Holy Spirit at work. The building was not shaken, but I would be no more amazed if it had been. Christians sat with tears of joy streaming down their face as they heard again of how Jesus died for them. Sinners were convicted of their sin and repented. Two people rededicated their life to the Lord. Another two were saved! Truly, how great is our God!

We read accounts of revivals that took place in the past in which God moved entire cities and nations to repentance. If God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, why do we not see these revivals in our own day? Friends, if God has not changed perhaps the problem is us. Let me urge you as brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for your church this Sunday. Pray urgently for your pastor that God would anoint him afresh with the Spirit that he might preach with a boldness and clarity he has never before experienced. And pray for every listener that God would open their heart to receive the gospel and to find forgiveness through repentance. And I ask every Christian that is reading this blog, would you stop right now and pray for me that God would fill me with His Spirit and empower me to preach the Word with the boldness and clarity of the early church.

To all who read my blog you are a great blessing to me. You are the reason I write each week. And especially to the churches in India who read this, you cannot know what joy and fulfillment you give me by using these articles. I long to come and see you soon. God bless you all.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bruther!

This is THE FRIEND of the another BRUTHER. I got your CD and I enjoyed it very much, also the testimony. I kinda needed a Reality Check. I'm still looking foward to meeting you. If your ever passing thru the small METROPLIS OF SYLACAUGA, I
Bet we probably could black
mail or should I say we
{encourage} Him to share
His pulpit with you.

Kevin Maples said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the CD. I am greatly encouraged to keep preaching and writing because of you and others who respond. Thanks so much for the encouragement (of course I am referring to the encouragement you are sharing with me and the encouragement you are sharing with your pastor).

God bless you and I look forward to meeting you all in Sylacauga.

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