Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Contagious Zeal

The Psalmist wrote: "For zeal for your house has consumed me" (Psalms 69:9). The disciples remembered this verse as they saw Jesus' response to the profiteering that had taken the place of worship in the temple (John 2:13-22). What they saw that day was a holy zeal for the work of the Father.

Sadly, we rarely see the level of passion and zeal in the church today. I emphasize in the church today, because we see plenty of zeal for other things. People are zealous about their sports teams, zealous about making money, and even zealous about hobbies, but when it comes to the work of the Lord, we are often bland--a mere flicker of light in a dark world.

I believe it was D.L. Moody who told preachers: "Set yourself on fire, and the world will come to watch you burn." What great advice for all believers. Passion is contagious. Live for Jesus with a passion and a zeal and you will be sure to attract others.

This week, let me encourage you to examine your life for areas where you can be more passionate for the Lord.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bruther

I just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for this encouraging word. I NEEDED THIS TODAY. It confirms in my Heart that it is OK to be overly excited about something that GOD has put on My HEART not for the Glory of a man or a building. BUT FOR THE GLORY OF THE GOD!



Kevin Maples said...

Thanks for the encouraging word. I really appreciate your commitment to read this blog. Because of the encouraging feedback from you and others, I keep writing it each week.

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