Monday, August 4, 2008

Incognito Christians (Sermon: Acts 11:22-24)

When Barnabas went to Antioch to investigate what was happening among the Gentiles, he literally saw the grace of God. I believe what he saw was the work of God's grace in the lives of those Gentile believers. So here's the question we should ask ourselves now: "If Barnabas came to our workplace or to our home today what would he see?"

Many Christians today are what I call "incognito Christians." There is simply nothing in their lives that clearly communicates their faith and their salvation. If persecution breaks out today, they are in no danger of being singled out.

If the people that you live with and work with do not know beyond all doubt what God has done in your life, something is sorely wrong with your Christian walk. Let me challenge you today to live your life so that people look at you and see the grace of God!

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