There is a sharp contrast in Acts 8:9-25 between Simon and the other men listed. Philip preached to change lives. Peter and John prayed for the Samaritans to receive the Holy Spirit to bring unity to the church. Simon amazed people with his magic to draw attention to himself. Keyword with Simon...self. Philip, Peter, and John all experienced the type of following and fame that Simon was seeking. Yet, unlike Simon, they were not seeking to be an attraction, they were seeking to attract people to Jesus.
Here is the problem I think many believers face: Whether we are teaching a Sunday School class with only 2 members or preaching to great crowds, we are often rewarded with complements and admiration. Be careful. Many who started their service out of love and a desire to serve the Lord have drifted from these motivations and began serving for glory, or for money, or for __________(you can fill in the blank). If we want to be used by God, we have to get self out of the way. We must examine our heart and be willing to let God transform those areas that are not right. Philip, Peter, and John were all used in mighty ways by God, but look at what Peter told Simon about the ministry: "You have neither part nor lot in this matter" (Acts 8:21). And what was the reason that God would not use Simon: "for your heart is not right before God" (Acts 8:21).
You might conclude that there was no place for Simon in the Kingdom of God or that he was unusable, but neither of the conclusions would be true. There was a place for Simon, but he chose to make his own place. And Simon was only unusable for the moment. If Simon had truly repented, he could have been used by God.
Are you usable? Is your heart right before God? If not, do you realize that your current state is only permanent if you want it to be? If you will repent, God can and will use you for His glory. And the amazing thing is that by denying yourself, you will receive more than you could have ever achieved for yourself. Simon could have been a great missionary of the early church, but instead we know of him today as a magician whose heart was not right before God. What could you be if only you were usable?
Dear sir/Madam,
I am writing from India. I am really inspired by your short sermon and I totally agree with you. I am a pastor in India and I started my church ministry and charity outreach in the year 1986. My mission is SHARING THE LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST IN REALITY. Not just preaching...but I want to share the Love of Christ in reality. My church is having 500 members. But, when I started my church, there are only 3 or 4 members. But I never discouraged. God blessed my church. Now, with the help of my co-pastors and evangelists, God helped us to start small group churches in 200 villages. God is blessing this outreach work many new souls. I want your prayers as we are facing many difficulties while we are conducting gospel meetings int he streets and also while we are conducting tent meetings. Lot of opposition is there. So, wwe need the protection from the Lord.
My email address is:
if you want to know more about my ministry, please see my web page which was hosted by one of the great man in America who personally visited this outreach work. The web page address is:
Thank you very much.
Yours in Christ's service,
Pastor. paparao
Plot 18, D.No. 3-19-6
Kakinad-533003, (A.P.0
Dear Brother Kevin Maples
Today, I was invited to preach in a church in Visakhapatnam. The gathering in that church is about 250 members. They are conducting the church service in a Palm leaves shed. There, I have shared your sermon BECOMING USABLE. The sermon was wonderful and after the sermon, many people in that church made a commitment to God to be usable for the service of God and many asked God to lead them to be usable for His glory. This is a wonderful sermon. So far, i have shared this sermon is 4 churches and where ever I share this sermon, people are committing their lives to God to be Usable for His Glory. I just want to share this news with you Brother. God bless you and Please share more of your sermons through Blog. I praise the Lord for the way you are sharing your sermons with the World.
With kind reards,
Pastor. paparao
After reading Acts 8:9-25, I searching the web to find some explanation to "bring home" its message. Reading your sermon and the comments posted has blessed me today.
It is so easy to lose our way and sink into self and lose focus. It is easy to sink into bitterness, to entertain evil thoughts. I don't want to live with the thought of what I could have done for Jesus if only I would have repented from these sins in my life.
We only have one life to life and then we stand before the judge-- there is no option-- I pray that God will take over my heart and that all evil thoughts and bitterness be washed away and only his holiness and righteousness would remain.
It is all about Him.
One of His Own,
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