Monday, February 4, 2008

The Value of Godly Leadership (Sermon: Acts 6:3)

If we need anything in the church today, we need godly leadership. Men and women who have a good reputation, who are filled with the Spirit and with wisdom. The apostles knew that the character of the men appointed to serve in the early church was vital to the success of their ministry. Instead of allowing popularity or charisma to determine who would be placed in leadership, the apostles lead the early church to seek only godly individuals whose reputation, spiritual life, and wisdom would be an asset to the church.

Instead of following the example of the early church, churches sometimes look for names to fill slots. After all, if we have a position, we must have a person to fill it, right? No! Placing the wrong person in the wrong place will never be the right thing for the church to do. The church of the Lord Jesus Christ must not settle for anything short of godly leadership. Where can we find such people? Jesus said: "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" (Matt 9:37-38). Let us follow the command of Jesus and pray for our Father to send workers.

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