Monday, October 8, 2007

Recommended Resources on Speaking in Tongues

Many people have written about speaking in tongues. However, the best research I have read comes from John MacArthur. I want to recommend two items that he has available. One is a study guide from a sermon he preached on Acts 2:5-13. It is available free to download online at:

The second resource is a book he published entitled, Charismatic Chaos. I have ordered a copy for our church library, but to my knowledge it is not yet come in. You can purchase a copy of the book online at: The current price is $5.99. Full bibliography: John MacArthur, Charismatic Chaos (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1992).

**Disclaimer: Please understand that I am recommending these resources because they contain very valuable research. I do not agree with John MacArthur at every point, so if you are offended by something he has written please don't assume that I agree with him on that point and focus your anger at me. Why then would I recommend someone else's resources? Because when I was growing up my pastor once told me, "Kevin, any good mule in Sevier County has enough sense when it comes to a briar in a bale of hay to push the briar aside and keep feasting on the hay." There's a lot of good hay to feast on in these resources, if only we have the sense God gave a mule.


Anonymous said...

Kevin, I am definately interested in understand more about the gifts of the spirit and how they have been abused today.

Is speaking in tongues relevent today as it was in the Bible?

Kevin Maples said...

To answer your question: "Is speaking in tongues relevant today as it was in the Bible?" No.

What took place in Acts 2 was a miracle that God performed through the Holy Spirit to give those early believers credibility. Just as people believed in Jesus as they saw Him perform miracles, there were Jews in Jerusalem at Pentecost who believed in the message of Jesus' followers because of this sign of speaking in languages they had never studied before. If this gift were available still today, we would not have to send our foreign missionaries through language training. It would also have saved me from years of difficult studying to be able to read the Bible in its original languages: Greek and Hebrew.

If you are truly interested in this subject MacArthur's book, Charismatic Chaos, is the place to start.

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