Monday, July 21, 2008

The Pathway to Life (Sermon: Acts 10:44-11:18)

The church was amazed that "repentance that leads to life" had been granted by God to the Gentiles as well. Most people today would be amazed to know that it is repentance that leads to life. A quick glance at American culture today reveals a culture chasing all types of illusions in order to achieve life and happiness.

We hear statements like: "If only I had one more 'thing' my life would be better," or "If I made more money, I wouldn't have any problems." People who think or say these things are looking in the wrong direction for life. Our problem is not external, it is a problem of the heart. What we need is repentance. Our greatest problem, separation from God because of sin, has already been cured through Jesus' death on the cross. All we need to do is repent and accept God's forgiveness.

Yes, repentance that leads to life has been granted, but it is up to us to accept it. Is there any sin you could not trade for eternity in heaven? If not, repent and receive the life that God freely offers.

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