Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pass It On

Today, many tradesmen learn their craft from schools, but not too long ago tradesmen learned almost exclusively by being an apprentice. A skilled craftsmen would take on an apprentice who would learn by watching and working with the master. Once a level of competency had been reached, the apprentice would go out on his own and eventually he would take on his own apprentice. And thus the trade would be passed from generation to generation.

I believe that is a good picture of what Paul was instructing the young pastor Timothy to do: “what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Tim 2:2). In essence…pass it on.

The church must always be looking to the next generation of leadership. Those who have learned to preach must invest in those are recently called to preach. Older deacons should help younger deacons. Older women who have served faithfully should encourage the younger women to serve faithfully. And etc…

Let me encourage you today to look for individuals in your church to which you can pass on what you have learned. By investing in them, you will be passing on what the Lord has shown you to other generations.

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