Monday, March 31, 2008

The Simplicity of Salvation (Sermon Romans 5:6-11)

So many things in life seem so complicated. Relationships can get complicated. The stock market can seem complicated. Even nutrition gets complicated--are eggs good for you this month or bad? I can't remember the latest finding. And need I mention physics? If you were spared this class in school, in my opinion, you are all the better for it. (For those few geniuses who actually understand physics, my hat's off to you. We couldn't function as a modern society without you!)

Given that we live in this context of complicated things, it should be no surprise that we often look at the simple plan of salvation and wonder, "Shouldn't there be more to this?" To turn from our sinful lifestyle and trust in the Lord for salvation seems too simplistic. To believe that Jesus died in our place so that we could be delivered from the wrath of God seems unrealistic. Yet, this is exactly what God teaches us in His Word. Is there more depth to the theology of salvation? Of course, but you do not need to understand it to be saved. The toddler and the electrical engineer turn on the light the same way. They both flip the light switch. The engineer understands all the dynamics of what is taking place from the breaker box to the switch to the light bulb filament. Yet, he is not able to produce any more light the toddler who learned from watching his mother that flipping that switch would turn on the light.

So it is with salvation. We must come in faith and believe. The Bible says: "if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9).

If you have never trusted Jesus for salvation, why not pray right now and ask Him to come into your life and save you.

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