Monday, January 14, 2008

Modern Day Persecution (Sermon: Acts 5:17-42)

Although most believers today are familiar with the persecution of the early believers, in modern America we have in most cases enjoyed shelter from physical persecution. Other believers around the world are not so fortunate. A recent article published on the International Mission Board website describes persecution that is taking place among believers today in Turkmenistan.

--Across Turkmenistan, churches are under attack. Believers are placed under surveillance or house arrest. Others are beaten or tortured. Persecution has caused some to flee the country, others have recanted their faith. Pastors are frequent targets.

“One [pastor] was beaten so badly he lost hearing in one ear,” Russell says. “His head also was held underwater to the point he almost drowned – multiple times.”

Though some churches have weathered such attacks, not all are as steadfast. Last year, a 60-member congregation was scattered after its pastor was forced to leave Turkmenistan.-- (Link to full IMB Article)

As we read about the persecution these believers are facing, I hope it foster several responses from us. First, we should be thankful for the religious freedom that we enjoy in America. Second, we should have a profound respect for all of our missionaries who place themselves in harms way to share the gospel. Third, we should pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who suffer from persecution. And finally, I hope that the knowledge of what some believers are facing will help us to keep our own difficulties in perspective.

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